Friday, May 21, 2010

I could sleep all day...

Last night, I didn't get to bed until really late. The boyfriend and I got into chatting and time just flew by. I know what I'll be catching up on this weekend.

This morning's weigh in was a nice one. I'm down 1.6 pounds for the week. High fives all around!! And I am at the lowest that I have been since I started this whole mess!!

Yesterday, I went to my beloved Kickbox Jam class. Seriously, guys, I love this class. I sweat so much and get some cardio out of it. Plus, the instructor is a fun guy. I'm really sad that this class is only taught a couple times a week. And I am only able to make it to two days. Sad face from me.

My eating was just ok. I was a Snacky McSnackerson yesterday. But better than I have been. And Praise Jesus, those chocolate chip cookies are gone. I don't have much plans for the weekend, so I will concentrate on the eating.

I just realized that I've lost 5 pounds!! Woo hoo!! It's not a lot but it's something. And it's that much closer to 10 pounds!! I think I deserve a reward.

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Thank you Scale Junkie!

Have a great weekend!!

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