Monday, October 19, 2009


There's not really much to update. Last week consisted of only 2 workout days.

Thursday 30 min. elliptical
Friday-Saturday I was in Lazy-town
Sunday 30 min. elliptical

The scale was down 1.2 pounds this week. It really sucks losing the same pounds over again. I mean, I had already lost these pounds and here I am losing them again.

I have been eating up a storm lately. But I did get some groceries yesterday, so I should be pretty set for the week. Except for that box of Cap'n Crunch cereal I picked up from WalMart. I was craving some cereal, so I picked some up. The bad thing is it's hard for me to stop at just one bowl. Maybe cereal was a bad idea after all. We'll see.

I did do a lot of running around on Saturday (that should count for some exercise). I was picking up groceries and some Halloween (my favoritest day!!) decorations. I was also wearing some shoes that were 2 sizes too small. My feet were about ready to fall off when I got home.

It looks like winter is officially here. What happened to Fall? It was 38 degrees this morning when I left for work. I'm sad because I have no winter shoes (hence, wearing shoes 2 sizes too small). I'm even sadder because my winter clothes don't fit. Boo hoo! Now I really need to lose weight because I think it's going to get much colder so I need to be able to squeeze into my smaller, warmer clothes. I can't go shopping for stuff until the boyfriend starts working, which is hopefully next week! *fingers crossed*. I really hate not having extra cash =(.

Please don't watch this:

I had never heard of it but my brother mentioned it to me and I was in the mood for a Halloween flick. This one was all sorts of wrong. I mean, wow. If you must, check it out and see for yourself. But seriously, wow.

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